If you’re not happy, we’re not happy. That’s why Hopofly offers you a no questions asked, hassle-free returns policy.
We gladly accept returns of unworn bags within 30 days from the date of order delivery (as recorded by the shipping provider), However, we do not accept bags that are worn locally once delivered.
We will process your refund to your original payment method within 7 business days from
the date of receipt of your returns at our facility. Please note that depending on your credit or debit card company, it may take additional days after your
credit is applied for it to post to your account.
Please note that we do offer exchanges. If you are not satisfied with your bags,
please return or exchange your bag with new order.
Return Process
Please initiate your returns online through the following steps:
Sign in to www.hopoflybags.com and go to “My Account”. Under “Order History,” for the order you’d like to return, click on “RETURN DETAILS” to submit a “Return Authorization Request”. Let us know via this request why you’re not satisfied, so that we can serve you better in the future. Our courier partner will pick-up your order from your shipping address within two business days of initiating a return authorization request.
All bags are made from recycled, reclaimed and natural materials. Canvas color, antique cloth and Hair-on bags may vary slightly from pictures shown due to differences in materials especially antique cloth and Hair-on.
Antique cloth will not be same according to the image because this cloth is made-up from pieces of cloth which will not be same.